Thursday, September 06, 2007


Halo is generally regarded as not only one of the most successful First Person Shooters around, but as one of the most successful video games ever created. The sequel was seen as not quite as pristine, but then once you've achieved perfection, the only way is down. The original was the benchmark game, and deserved all the credit it got, but I've sometimes wondered why it was so good and could even be enjoyed by people who didn't really like video games...

There are countless FPSs out there and all are created by expert development teams as is (just about) every game. I guess it comes down to the same phenomenon which makes all successful bands, writers, etc (and even businesses in some cases) ; It just comprises features that, when gelled together, seem to miraculously appeal to many people. Every game has been created through hard work, time and money, but some totally flop, and the few lucky ones become legendary. This may seem a little negative, but it rings true.

Halo is not exactly ultra original and 'borrows' from the Alien movies in some respects. It has an engaging, yet standard sci-fi plot and is also fairly simplistic in nature, especially the control system. So why do we all love it? You tell me!


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