Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Double standards regarding video games

I've been meaning to blog about this for a while. I feel very strongly about it - this post goes out to all those unwilling to 'open their mind to the horizons'.
Sorry, I don't mean to sound like a typical student, imagining that I'm cleverer than I really am, etc. And I'll hopefully try to keep the anger down, here goes...
I have always tried to promote modern video games to older generations, to show them that these days, they encompass more than "a wee man running around the screen shooting anything that moves". I also try to tell them that the target audience for games is now 16-30 year olds, rather than children. But nevertheless, the feedback I get is always the same - a flurry of judgemental comments. So then I decide to ask this stereotypical person which games they play themselves; and the answer: None. What a surprise!
Why is it, that people are allowed to judge video games without knowing anything about them? If I was to say, for example, that piano playing is pointless and crap, then I would be regarded as a moron! But hey, how can I judge when the only musical instruments I can play are CDs and the air guitar!
I also imagine, that these particular people probably watch 5 hours of TV a night and then tell me how they think video games are a waste of time. Who are they kidding?


At 8:08 pm , Blogger themetablogger said...



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