Monday, August 18, 2008

Non arguments when reviewing

I recently loaded up Shenmue 2 on the Xbox and started another run through the game, something that I haven't done in a while. It really is my favourite game (or rather series) of all time and to me it simply never gets old.
Certain reviews of games give lists of pros and cons as well as a final verdict. I noticed that a particular review stated that a negative point for Shenmue was that the fighting system was not as versatile as the Virtua Fighter series. (From which it was derived) The word 'duh' comes to mind in childish sense! Of course it isn't as versatile, Virtua Fighter does not have a wealth of RPG/adventure gameplay to contend with. A dedicated fighting game will have a terrific, sharp combat system compared to that of an action adventure game, but it must be understood that despite the fact that it (probably) isn't possible to implement a hugely detailed fight system into a title like Shenmue, it is also unwise to do so regardless. The target audience is different and many of the gamers who enjoy adventure based titles are not going to be hardcore, professional tournament level fighting game players that would be attracted to the likes of Virtua Fighter. They would probably not enjoy the game as much if the combat system was too demanding, no disrespect to their abilities! Maybe I'm just not very skilled! The whole point of my argument is that some reviewers out there do not make valid points about the games they are discussing. Some games, like Shenmue, I feel are judged very harshly and it is one of the most underrated titles ever released...


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