Thursday, June 12, 2008

Street Fighter IV

I was just reading about this title on IGN, or rather looking at gameplay videos! I imagine it's common knowledge within gamer circles that although the title is rendered in 3D (with a hand drawn appearance), the gameplay remains 2D.
Personally, I am not too interested in retro gaming. I always look to the future, and like to see new and innovative ways of modern technology use in video games. If the technology is there, then why not use it? Typically, I find the individuals who continuously rave about games from the 80's, are rarely genuinely interested in the industry. I'm trying not to let this become another rant, and there is nothing wrong with enjoying retro games. I am specifically referring to those who dismiss any complex modern game in favour of 'a few sprites on the screen'. If you dislike any recent AAA action adventure title, simply because it's too complicated for you, or in other words, you can't be bothered to learn the game, then the chances are that you are not really interested in video games. period.
This idea is apparent in Street Fighter IV, although, as I realised after watching the gameplay videos, it seems to find the halfway house. The game does not disappoint it's age old fans, who fell in love with the 2D gameplay, but it does seem to look like a true next gen game nonetheless. The visuals are very impressive, particularly some of the pyrotechnics involved with projectile and special moves. I also like the way the 2D plane pulls rotates and ultimately ventures into 3D to show these special moves. Once again, straying away from the retro aspect. A very good thing.
One final thing, I love the hand drawn appearance of the characters. Nice touch, and very suited to the feel of the game and in fact the whole series...


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