Monday, October 01, 2007

Realism regarding Video Games

Realism in video games is an interesting topic.
Many gamers criticise certain games for lacking realism without really stopping and thinking. First of all, it's important to notice that realism can to be interpreted in different ways, depending on the game and even the genre. By this, I mean that if you are considering an action game, then after the player throws a grenade, I would expect it to explode and maim anyone in the immediate vicinity. On the other hand, if the player character has to stop for bathroom breaks every so often, the game would be terrible! There has to be a balance, but it's only a game after all! Unrealistic aspects of games almost always add to their appeal. Flashes of lightning don't happen in the dojo too often but they make fighting titles infinitely more aesthetically pleasing.
Earlier I mentioned varying degrees of realism depending on genre. This is particularly applicable to sports titles, where a recreation close to the real thing is often much appreciated. However, I'm inclined to believe these games don't really try to simulate the actual sport, but try more to make the gamer feel as if the are controlling a televised match. It's a strange one, but it rings true with football and tennis sims in particular. Play one and you'll start to see what I mean...


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