Friday, October 17, 2008

Pseudo Visionaries

I recently read a magazine article referring to 'quasi-visionaries'. It was not used as a derogatory term, rather to simplify refer to the type of wannabe game designers who create their own animations and generally try to impress with their multimedia computing expertise. I have met a lot of these people and sadly, without sounding negative in every post ;-) I think they are (A) A thing of the past and (B) Partially mistaken about the demands of a game designer.

The stereotype video gamer is still a spotty young man who never leaves his room, and whose only friend is his PC and/or game console. Every year, thousands upon thousands of these people try to break into the video games industry. I can't see any reason why these people should make good designers...

As recently as 6 or 7 years ago, the trend for becoming a designer was to get your hands dirty with programming, etc and then graduate to design concepts. This trend has changed somewhat. Design and coding really are separate disciplines and require different types of individual.

Writers are rapidly becoming more involved with the whole development process, rather than being brought in late to piece together some dialogue for action heavy titles. The work of the designer overlaps with the work of the writer, while the coders do their actual job! Neither position is better than the other, but I'm just tired of being a clever, rounded individual, well travelled (fairly), athletic, experienced having had many hobbies and interests (and upheavals). NEVERTHELESS being told that I wouldn't make a good game designer because I am not very good with Adobe software...!!!!


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